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Jaxley is a collaborative project between the groups of Jakob Macke (Uni Tübingen), Pedro Gonçalves (KU Leuven / NERF), and Philipp Berens (Uni Tübingen).


Jaxley is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 (Apache-2.0) and

Copyright (C) 2024 Michael Deistler, Jakob H. Macke, Pedro J. Goncalves, Philipp Berens.

Important dependencies and prior art

  • We greatly benefited from previous toolboxes for simulating multicompartment neurons, in particular NEURON.


This work was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) through Germany’s Excellence Strategy (EXC 2064 – Project number 390727645) and the CRC 1233 “Robust Vision”, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Tübingen AI Center, FKZ: 01IS18039A), the ‘Certification and Foundations of Safe Machine Learning Systems in Healthcare’ project funded by the Carl Zeiss Foundation, and the European Union (ERC, “DeepCoMechTome”, ref. 101089288, “NextMechMod”, ref. 101039115).